1. Imprint haebmau ag

Office Munich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 381080
Fax: +49 (0)89 38108-150

Office Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 51 / 52
10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 7262080
Fax: +49 (0)30 726208-250

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht München HRB 133167
Sales Tax Identification Number: DE129366802
Management Board: Markus Bublitz, Michael Itzlinger, Sebastian Warschow

2. Copyright

All rights reserved. The contents of this website are protected by copyright.

3. Disclaimer

haebmau is not responsible for the content of all linked pages to which this website refers directly or indirectly. haebmau does not guarantee that the information provided on this website is always up-to-date, complete and correct. The contents may be changed at any time without notice.

4. General terms and conditions

The “General Terms and Conditions of haebmau ag for agency services towards its clients” as well as the “General Terms and Conditions of haebmau ag for the Commissioning of Services and Delivery of Goods” apply, which we will be happy to send you upon request.

BüroOffice Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 52
10178 Berlin
T +49 30 72 62 080

Showroom Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 51
10178 Berlin

Büro MünchenOffice Munich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 MünchenMunich
T +49 89 381 080

Showroom MünchenMunich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 MünchenMunich

  • Deutsch
  • English
Büro München
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München
T +49 89 381 080

Showroom München
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München

  • Deutsch
  • English
Büro MünchenOffice Munich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München MünchenMunich
T +49 89 381 080

Showroom MünchenMunich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 MünchenMunich


Büro Berlin
Büro Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 52
10178 Berlin
T +49 30 72 62 080
Büro München
Büro München
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München
T +49 89 381 080

Showroom München
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 München

Showroom Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 51
10178 Berlin


Office Berlin
Office Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 52
10178 Berlin
T +49 30 72 62 080
Office Munich
Office Munich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 Munich
T +49 89 381 080

Showroom Munich
Franz-Joseph-Str. 1
80801 Munich

Showroom Berlin
Rosenthaler Str. 51
10178 Berlin

  • Deutsch
  • English